State vs Mukesh Khanna

Criminal Case No. 106/13

Delhi District Court


DATE OF JUDGEMENT: 18th March 2013


  • Section 506 IPC (Punishment for criminal intimidation)
  • Section 342 IPC (Punishment for wrongful confinement)
  • Section 376 IPC (Punishment for rape)


Ganga and Tanu playing deception of providing employment bring the village girls to Delhi. On 21/05/2010, prosecutrix younger sister Lakshmi (15yrs) was brought to Delhi for employment by Ganga and Tanu. On 20/07/2010, Ganga and Tanu told prosecutrix that the condition of her sister Lakshmi is bad so bring her back from Delhi. On 03/08/2010, Ganga sent prosecutrix with her sister Tanu to Delhi. Prosecutrix along with Tanu came to Delhi where they met Ganga’S husband Mukesh Khanna. Prosecutrix asked Mukesh Khanna and Tanu to let her meet her sister. Mukesh Khanna said Lakshmi will come on date 12th.  Mukesh and Tanu pressurised her to do work. On 07/08/2010, about 10:00 a.m. Mukesh Khanna came in prosecutrix room and forcibly committed the wrong deed with her and pressed her mouth due to which she could not scream. Mukesh Khanna also threatened her if she disclosed this incident to anyone, he will kill her. On 09/08/2010, Mukesh Khanna had gone out of the house for some work. Prosecutrix went to the house of one Aunty in the neighbourhood and narrated the whole incident to the Aunty. In the night, she remained in the house of Alok Nandini and in the morning Aunty called the Police. Police record her statement, based on statement police register FIR u/s 363/365/368/376/342/506/120B. Prosecutrix took the prosecutrix to SGM Hospital, where her medical examination was conducted. Police arrested Mukesh Khanna and recovered bed sheet cover from his house.


All the exhibits found were examined and it was noticed that blood and semen was detected on Prosecutrix dress and undergarment matched with accused. It clearly shows that recent sexual intercourse activity has taken place in the instant case.


Mukesh Khanna was convicted for the offences punishable u/s 376/506/342 IPC.

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