Full Name: Gary Leon Ridgway

Date of Birth: 18th February 1949

Father name: Thomas Newton Ridgway

Mother name: Mary Rita Ridgway

Home place: Salt lake city, United states

Ridgway is popularly named as Green River Killer. Because most of the dead bodies were found  near Green river. He is  one of the serial killers in the United states. Father of Ridgway worked as a bus driver and Mother worked as a sales clerk. Ridgway is the second son to his parents. Ridgway, up to 13 years old used to wet  the bed during nights. His mom is used to clean his genitals. But Ridgway feels very angry because he doesn’t  like what his mom is doing with him. In 1969 he completed his graduation from Tyee High school. After getting 20 years he used to be a saint  for 2 years. He married 19 years old girlfriend , her name  is Claudia Kraig. He married three times. The first two were partners who ended over infidelities. He went to Vietnam and joined the Navy, serving on supply ships. He has some controversy, and in servicing his insatiable needs for intercourse , contracts gonorrhea from prostitutes. And after some years he came back to Washington, Ridgway found work at the Kenworth Truck Company factory in the town of Renton where he painted vehicles for years.


Ridgway picks up prostitutes and teenage runways, and takes them to secluded area, and then after sex, whether  they consent or not,, strangles his victim’s to death with his bare hands. After completion of murder , he is to disposes of the bodies in the wooded and secluded  areas  around Washington green river, or often contaminating with  dump scenes with gum, cigarettes, and written materials of others he has collected from the trash. And  so he won’t have brothered by having to find a new victim, he also returns to his dump sites and has sex with many of the corpses. Over and over the 1980s and 1990s the young women were missing , so that the Ridgway lost track of the number of his conquests and bodies began being found near Green river. Then the police gave the name to him as the Green river killer. Police were formed the Green river task Force to investigate the murder. An investigation that includes making  sweeps of the area known frequented by runways and prostitutes, has famed F.B.I. Agent created profile of the suspect. And after years Ridgway eventually became known to authorities’. He was found by the police at 1: 15 morning at a dead end near south street in Alaska Airlines warehouse , he is involved in an incident with a prostitute named Rebecca Guay, in which he admits choking her , driving different vehicles . He became suspect to the Task Force in 1983, but he doesn’t agree with that murder and he passed lie detector test also. And he became a suspect in 1987 when the police followed him for two weeks , Law enforcement gave a search warrant  to search his house and workplace .


He committed murders between the 1980s to 1990s . He was first arrested in 1982 for solicitation crime. Again he was arrested in 1893. Finally he was arrested in 2001, 2013 the superior court judgement.


mmostly dead bodies were found in Green river in Washington.

MODUS OPERANDIGary Ridgway is serial killer , he used pick up the prostitutes and have sex with them after sex he used strangle his victims death. Most of the bodies were dumped around the Green River in what Ridgway called  “Cluster “ and had intercourse with the bodies also. Mostly he does these murders because he hates prostitutes.


The forensic team collected the saliva and hair sample from the house. Eventually, the DNA samples were improved . The dots in the case connected and matched to samples  where taken from the Ridgway . Also the forensic team found that the sample matched with  seven  victims which crimes held recently.

Finally he was arrested by the police at Kenworth Truck Factory, for the murder of seven women , on November 30th , 2001.


Ridgway confesses  to his murders and has lawyers begin crafting a request letter that he bargains to spare his life in  exchange. And also he revealed  the address of the unfound dead bodies  to authorities. On 5th November, 2003, Ridgway entered a plea in 48 homicide cases. On December 18th, 2003 King County Superior Court Judge Richard Jones sentenced the  criminal to 48 life sentences without possibility of parole. And he is currently rotting in a jail as of 2019, the humanoid awaiting for the final judgment of his deeds by the highest court.


Kuna Varshitha

Intern, Dept. of Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation

Legal Desire Media & Insights

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