In the late 19th Century a famous Mexican Killer named Francisco Guerrero Perez also referred to as “Antonio Prida” was the primary killer in Mexico. Although he wasn’t the country’s first recorded liquidator. During his tenure of the serial killing phase, he approximately killed 20 female prostitutes in the capital of Mexico b/w the period of 1880 to 1888. The interesting fact is he killed one woman whose status as a prostitute has been inconsistently reported. Guerrero was born in 1840 within the Bajio region of Mexico to an impoverished family. He was the eleventh child marked by hardship, maternal neglect, and parental absence in his youth. In 1862, the twenty-two-year-old migrated to the national capital, where he worked for a shoemaker. Guerrero had never hidden his sexism or his crimes, but had been married and had four children. He also had extramarital children and various relationships with female prostitutes. He may be a procurer. He lived within the Peralvillo neighbourhood where he was open about his crimes. Guerrero was pleased along with his lifestyle also as his murders. Guerrero’s colleagues in Peralvillo, however, were too scared of him to respond in response to the killing. Paradoxically, he was said to be a Catholic and a follower of the woman of Guadalupe, a faith that Guerrero proclaimed proudly to others. Guerrero was extravagantly but elegantly dressed in cashmere jeans, a charro top, and a charro jacket. He was described as a “handsome, elegant, flirtatious and quarrelsome man” by an anonymous source. Two hypotheses exist concerning the root of the nickname “Chalequero” One says that it was just because he always used vests, and therefore the other postulates it was because the name “Chalequero” alludes to the Spanish expression ” a puro chaleco”. This expression means he made a sexual victim of any woman that he felt drawn to, whether or not they liked him or not.


There has been a rumor that it had been his neighbour who gave him away from the authorities. In 1888, he was found in a tavern and condemned to death. But somehow president, Porfirio Diaz lowered his sentence to only 20 years of imprisonment at the Fortress of city de Ulua which was a group of jails on the island. The “Mexican Ripper” was, however, set up in 1904 because his file was lost in the pile of political prisoners who were forgiven. Then afterward four years later in 1908, the body of the old woman was found, giving an assurance that it was connected to prostitution and she or he was found within the same river presenting the identical mark and explanation for death as Guerrero’s previous victim. He was captured and sent to prison in the town of Lecumberri, where he was sentenced to death.

However, he soon died thanks to a hemiparesis caused by brain congestion. He gave up the ghost during a single bed when he was 70 years old, avoiding the rope yet again. His cruel actions were known everywhere in the country, and that they were even illustrated by the famous artist Guadalupe Posada. His face and every one of his crimes was top news all told the papers. one in all these papers bears the headline, “Between 1880 and 1888, Jack the Ripper was terrorizing an honest a part of cultivated Europe. we’ve got never had in Mexico such a vicious and bloodthirsty criminal. For the last twenty years, there are registered, crime after crime, over 17 women ripped”. Guerrero enjoyed the right to commit his crimes for almost seven years. In Mexico’s collective memory, he became a popular character as well. nobody was able to stipulate the number of murders he committed. Some specialists assure there have been seventeen women, et al. assure the quantity surpassed twenty.


According to an investigation made by the Mexican newspaper El Universal, his murders were known by all the prostitutes of the world, but nobody accused him out of fear of being punished due to their way of life. Many theories are surrounding this man’s nickname: “Chalequero” makes relevancy the Spanish word for a vest, chaleco. the foremost popular theory states that González used vests very often. Another theory suggests he acquired the name because he had sexual activity a chaleco by force. The term also relates to a psychiatric straightjacket.


Perez and Jack the Ripper, who, in 1888, was an anonymous manslayer operating in the often-poor areas in and around London’s Whitechapel district. The murderer was dubbed the Whitechapel Murderer and Leather Apron in both the court case files and recent journalistic reports. As both Guerrero and Jack, the Ripper were having the same style of procedure. He was also brought up as “El Chalequero”, “The Mexican Bluebeard”, “The Consulado River Strangler”, “The Consulado River Ripper”, or the “The Mexican Ripper”. Most of the famous serial killers are characterized by their agreeable personality which, in most cases, was how they lured their victims. Guerrero Perez would approach sex workers on the road offering their services. He’d associate with them to a non-public place to own sex with them and, once they were vulnerable, tortured, and strangled them. After that, he would rip their bodies and throw them into the Consulado River in Ciudad de México. He was a killer who was coordinated, sedentary, and a missionary, motivated by hate. Most of his victims were prostitutes, but he didn’t kill them due to their work; he killed them because they were vulnerable. in keeping with him, “women had a requirement to be faithful to their men, and feminine adultery should be punished with the capital punishment.” His mental disorder and misogyny are said to be associated with his mother’s rejection in childhood. It degenerated into an unresolved complex. On his victims, he projected feelings towards his mother.


Guerrero was psychopathic; he didn’t feel empathy or guilt and he had a parasitic lifestyle. He saw other people as artifacts, had inflated self-esteem, had sudden fits of rage, was manipulative and promiscuous. However, he was charismatic. within the prison, he was described by the opposite prisoners as: “a silent and quiet person, he cares about his appearance”. On one occasion, he wrote a letter to the prison director asking permission for his family to bring him a replacement pair of pants so that he could, in his words, “dress in step with his education”. He was never diagnosed, but his behavior and personality are characteristic of a folie. He saw the female gender as nothing quite disposable conduit to sexual gratification. His crimes involved hate, showed extreme cruelty, and were marked by perversions like sexual mutilation. He violated his victims to point out the prevalence and power that, in line with him, he held over the ladies.


According to Cesare Lombroso’s theory, criminal profiling was being done by the investigating officer. The I.O. characterizes him as a “born criminal” a private who is illiterate with a coffee status & subnormal intelligence. Physically he belongs to an American native and was a half-caste. His facial expression was very manly and almost simian and, in his appearance, he had notorious decadence features. The famous Mexican Criminologist named Carlos Roumagnac concluded that Consulado River`s Ripper was a born criminal. As per him, “To assume that his crimes were committed by Chalequero inspired by an awesome sexual compulsion”. He didn’t commit it through a sexual impulse, he committed it through a deliberate and violent impulse. As he’s a violent degenerate”. Roumagnac failed to accept that sexual compulsion was driving him. And while he described him as a born criminal he thought Guerrero was an organized murderer.




Pravesh Charan Isai

Intern, Dept. of Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation

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